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Stephen & Carol Huber: 17th - 19th Century Needlework

Hubers@AntiqueSamplers.com - 860-388-6809

Antique Needlework Samplers
Click Image for more information and price.

Philadelphia Preasentation Sampler - Huber
Elizabeth Hammitt
Presentation Sampler
Philadelphia, PA c.1835-8

 Sampler by Laura Stevens- Stoneham, MA - Huber sale
Lora Stevens
Antique Sampler
Stoneham, MA dated 1807

 PA or NJ sampler for sale from Huber
Elizabeth C. Smith
Needlework Sampler
PA, or NJ c.1825

Hopkinton, NH sampler from Huber

Betsey F. Chase
Needlework Sampler
Hopkinton, New Hampshire 1822

Woodbridge, CT sampler dated 1775 from Huber

Polly Beecher
Needlework Sampler
Woodbridge, CT 1795

Chester County, PA sampler from Stephen and Carol Huber
Hannah Haws
Needlework Sampler
Chester County, PA c.1826

Philadelphia sampler for sale from Huber
Anna Mary Heriges (Herriges)
Needlework Sampler
Philadelphia 1826

Columbia County sampler for sale from huber
Mary F Low
Needlework Sampler
Lime Ridge, Columbia, PA 1849

Cornwall school Glastonbury, CT sampler for sale from Huber
Ira and Jerusha (Arnold) Shailer
Family Record Needlework Sampler
Miss Anna Cornwall School
Glastonbury, CT c.1830

Newbury, MA samplerr dated 1785 - Stephen & Carol Huber
Anne Kent
Needlework Sampler
Newbury, MA dated 1785

needlework sampler by Eliza Colyer from Huber
Eliza Colyer
Needlework Sampler
English c.1800

Newbury, MA sampler dated 1761- Stephen & Carol Huber
Sarah Jewett
Needlework Sampler
Newbury, MA dated 1761

New Castle, DE Sampler - Stephen & Carol Huber
Philipine M. Howell
Needlework Sampler
New Castle, DE dated 1814

Jane Jarvis sampler 1820 - from Huber

Jane Jarvis
Needlework sampler
B E Webb School Wickfield Witts
English dated 1830

Boston, MA  sampler1765 - Stephen & Carol Huber
Patience Pigeon
Needlework Sampler
Boston, MA 1765

Danvers, MA sampler - Green background -1819 - Huber
Mary N. Southwick
Needlework Sampler
Danvers, MA dated 1819

Ruth Huntington sampler, Norwich, CT- 1787- from Huber
Ruth Huntington - age 10
Needlework Sampler
Norwich, CT dated 1787

Allice Mather sampler `1774 from Huber
Alice Mather
Antique Needlework Sampler
Norwich, Connecticut dated 1774

 Elizabeth Lord sampler, Norwich, CT 1764 - from Huber
Elizabeth Lord Sampler
Needlework Sampler
Norwich, CT dated 1764

 1795 Norwich, ST sampler from Huber

Polly Elliot
Needlework Sampler
Norwich, CT dated 1795

 Hannah Lord sampler, Norwich, CT 1764 - from Huber
Hannah Lord Sampler age 11
Needlework Sampler
Norwich CT dated 1764

 Philadelphia, PA sampler -1799 - Stephen & Carol Huber
Mary S. Barr
Needlework Sampler
Philadelphia, PA dated 1799

 Coatesville, Chester County, PA sampler - Huber
Jane Elizabeth
Needlework Sampler
Coatesville, Chester County, PA

 Possibly Salem, MA sampler - Huber
Initialed L D
Needlework Sampler
Possibly Salem, MA c.1780

  Charlestown MA sampler 1777 - Huber

Marcy (Mercy) Hay
Needlework Sampler
Charlestown, MA dated 1777

 PA sampler - Worthington - Huber needlework
Mary A Worthington
Needlework Sampler
Bucks Co, PA 1830

 Lancaster County, PA c.1820 sampler from Huber
Mary Miller
Needlework Sampler
Lancaster, PA c.1820


Pin Cushion & Housewif
(Sewing Kit)
Chester County, PA dated 1762

Huber antique sampler by Yost Huber antique sampler by Finkbiner
Two PA samplers with one story
Margaret Finkbiner dated 1852
Chester or Montgomery County, PA
Eliza Yost dated 1836

Lancaster, PA sampler by Mary Simpson from Stephen & Carol Huber
Mary Simpson
Needlework Sampler
Lancaster, PA dated 1834

Elizabeth Currier sampler Newburyport, MA - Huber
Elizabeth Currier
Needlework Sampler
Newburyport, MA 1810

Townshend, VT sampler from Huber
Philinda Lamb
Needlework 'sampler
Townshend, VT dated 1820




Portsmouth,m NH sampler by Elizabeth Dore from Huber
Elizabeth Dore
Needlework Sampler
Portsmouth, NH 1822

 Lampeter, Lancaster County, PA  sampler from Huber
Anna Kreider
Needlework sampler
Lampeter, Lancaster County, PA
dated 1832

 Rhode Island sampler Budlong family - from Huber
Sarah Ann or Lydia Whitman Budlong
Family Register Sampler
Rhode Island after 1838

 1799 German sampler - Huber

German - Adam & Eve
Needlework Sample
Dated 1799

 Early Boston Band Margaret born 1721
Margaret Allen
Early Band SamplerBoston, MA born 6/20/1721

 Pennsylvania needlework sampler - Huber 

Judith Eschbach
Needlework Sampler
Pennsylvania dated 1830

Miss Cornwall's school sampler from Huber
Catharine Hellen Chapple
Family Record Sampler
Miss Cornwall's School
Glastonbury, CT 1831

Needlework Sampler Gloucester, MA from Huber
Mary B. Clark
Needlework Sampler
Gloucester, Essex County, MA Dated 1832

 Shelburne, New Hampshire  - Ingalls family record samper fro Huber
Ingalls Family Record
Needlework Sampler
Shelburne, New Hampshire c. 1834

Pelham, NH- Butler family record sampler - Stephen & Carol Huber
Olive Jane Butler
Family Record Sampler
Pelham, NH dated 1830

Weston, MA Nedlework Sampler - Stephen & Carol Huber
Hepzibah Harrington, c.1805
Antique Needlework Sampler
Weston, Middlesex Cty, Massachusetts

Olney House sampler, probably NJ - Huber
Antique needlework sampler
Elizabeth Norris
Olney House c.1820

Cranston, RI antiques sampler by Celia Sheldon from Huber
Celia Sheldon
Antique Needlework Sampler
Cranston, RI dated 1806

Antique needlework sampler
Anna Maria Titus
New York, NY 1823

Windham, NH dated 1818 from Huber
Sally Gregg
Needlework Sampler
Windham, NH dated 1818

Mid-Atlantic States sampler dated 1813 from Huber
Elizabeth Conard
Needlework Sampler
Mid-Atlantic States dated 1813

 Newbury, MA 1754 sampler from Huber
Anna Fowler
Antique Needlework Sampler
Newbury, MA dated 1754

 Marblehead, MA sampler by Elizabeth Pedrick from Stephen and Carol Huber
Antique sampler
Elizabeth Pedrick
Marblehead, MA dated 1788




 Dutch or German dated 1766 from Huber
Initialed ASF
Needlework Sampler
Probably Dutch or German dated 1766

 Don't forget to check out other catagories of schoolgirl needlewotk

Silk Embroidered Memorials Silk Embroidered Pictures

Canvaswork Pictures Stumpwork and Related Needlework

Books and Other Merchandise

Huber - Franklin County, PA
Elizabeth Sellers
Needlework Sampler
Franklin County, PA dated 1845




New Hampshire sampler dated 1813  from Huber
Caroline Marden
Needlework Sampler
New Hampshire dated 1813

 Memorial sampler by Sharp - Huber
Martha Sharp
Memorial to her sister Mary Ann
England c.1832

New England, sampler from Huber
Anonymous Sampler
New England c.1820

sampler from Stephen and Carol Huber by Sarah Brown
Sampler by Sarah Jane Brown
Massachusetts c.1810

 embroidery needlework Koon from Huber
Charlotte Koon Memorial Sampler,
York, PA, dated 1821

Huber - Antique sampler by Wedgwood of Wolfboro, NH
Nancy V. Wedgwood
Antique needlework sampler
Wolfeboro, NH dated 1822

 York, ME sampler - Stephen & Carol Huber
Christiana Heard
Needlework Sampler
Sanford, York, ME c. 1818

 dresden sampler from Huber
Antique crewel work
Dresden Table Mat
Philadelphia, PA c.1740

Marlboro, MA sampler from Huber
Sarah Howe
Needlework Sampler
Marlboro, MA dated 1819

 Antique sampler by Charlott White from Huber
Antique needlework sampler
Charlott White
Middlesex County, MA 1826

 Huber sampler by Hilderth of MA
Nancy Hildreth
Antique needlework sampler
Middlesex County, MA c.1803

 Brulington County, NJ  - Huber
Eufemea Moore
Antique Needlework Sampler
Burlington County, NJ dated 1816

 Abigil Rich Ware, MA antique needlework sampler from huber
Antique needlework sampler,
Abigail Rich
Ware, Massachusetts dated 1829

 East Haddam, CT sampler from Huber
Harriet N. Crowell
Antique Sampler
East Haddam, CT 1826

 McKee sampler from Huber
Mary McKee sampler
Origin unknown dated 1823
English or American

 Dunstable, MA sampler from Huber
Rebeckah Woods
Dunstable, MA dated 1818

American needlework saampler by Louisa Willmot from Huber
Louisa Mari Willmot
Needlework Sampler
American c.1810

 sampler from Stephen & Carol Huber by Laning 
Antique sampler
Rebecca Mills Laning
PA or NJ c.1820




 New Hamphire sampler from  Huber
Rebecca J. Lund
Antique Needlework Sampler
Dunstable, NH c.1822

 Sampler by Ann Y. Pennock, Chester County, PA dated 1835
Sampler by Ann Y. Pennock
Chester County, PA dated 1835

 PA sampler 1826 - Huber
Louisa Ann Wright
Mid-Atlantic States sampler
Probably, Pennsylvania dated 1826

 Goffstown, NH needlework sampler from Huber
Harriet L. Poor
Antique Sampler
Goffstown, NH 1825

 Barrett - sampler from Huber
Urania Barrett
Antique needlework sampler
Ashby, MA dated 1806

 Pittsfield, NH sampler - Huber
Lucy White
Antique Needlework Sampler
Pittsfield, NH dated 1823

Needlework sampler Rhode Island - 1744  - Huber
Sarah Olney
Needlework Sampler
Providence, Rhode Island dated 1744

 Germantown, PA sampler from Huber
Antique needlework sampler
Eliza Miller
Possibly Germantown, PA c.1830

 Needlework sampler probably Maryland from Huber
Mary Ann Smith
Probably Maryland
Sampler Dated 1831

Margaret Anderson's antique  family regester sampler, New Hamphire dated 1818 from Stephen & Carol Huber
Family register needlework sampler
Margaret Anderson
Windham, New Hampshire 1818

 Delaware Valley antique needlework sampler from Huber
Anne M. Dowell
antique needlework sampler
Delaware Valley c.1810.

Brooks family record from Huber

Emily Brooks
Family Record Sampler
Townsend, MA 1830

 Mary L. Stanton, Pokeepsie, NY 1832 sampler from Huber
Antique needlework sampler,
Mary L. Stanton
Pokeepsie (i. e. Poughkeepsie), NY dated 1832

sampler memorial from Huber by Koons
Needlework memorial sampler
Charlotte Koons
York, PA, dated 1821








(The below sold items are a pleasure to browse through even though they're no longer available.)

Stoneham, MA needlework sampler by Eliza Green from Huber
Eliza Green
Needlework Sampler
Stoneham, MA 1805

Elizabeth Huntington sampler, Norwich, CT- 1787- from Huber
Elizabeth Moore Huntington - age 8
Needlework Sampler
Norwich, CT dated 1787

Danvers, MA Sampler from Huber|
Phebe Wilson
Antique Needlework Sampler
Danvers, MA dated 1807

1772 Norwich, CT sampler from Huber
Polly (Mary) Griffin
Solidly stitch sampler
Norwich, CT Dated 1772

Waymouth, MA needlework sampler by Priscilla  Rogers from Huber
Priscilla Rogers
Family Record Sampler
Waymouth, Norfork, MA dated 1824

17thc Band Sampler from Huber
Band Sampler
17th Century
Probably English

Portland, ME sampler from Huber
Eliza Ann Capen
Family Record Sampler
Portland, ME dated 1817

Mount Vernon sampler from Huber
Ann Jones
Mt. Vernon needlework sampler
Probably Cambridge, MA dated 1827

antique sampler by S S Hayward from Huber
Antique needlework sampler by
S. S. Hayward aged 8
New England 1832

Adam & Eve sampler - Portsmouth, NH from Huber
Elizabeth Tredick
Adam & Eve Sampler
Portsmouth, NH 1800

 Quaker slamper 1838 - Huber

Martha Jane Perry
Needlework Sampler
Quaker, PA dated 1838

 Marblehead, MA sampler dated 1787 from Huber
Hannah Prince
Needlework sampler
Marblehead, MA dated 1787

 Salem, MA needlework sampler from Stephen & Carol Huber
Lucy Turner
Needlework Sampler
Salem, MA dated 1806

Columbia County, PA Sampler - Huber
Matilda Paxson
Needlework Sampler
Columbia County, Pennsylvania

 Newbury, MA Sampler dated 1756 by Sarah Toppan from Huber
Sarah Bailey Toppan
Needlework sampler
Newbury, MA dated 1756

Huber sampler by Prouty of PA
Eliza Ann Prouty
Needlework sampler dated 1820
North central, PA

PA sampler by Woolman from huber
Hannah Woolman
Darby, Delaware Co, PA dated 1827

 Yearsley - Chester County, PA - Huber
Elizabeth Yearsley
Westtown Township
Chester County, PA dated 1827

Groton, MA Needlework Sampler dated 1811 from Huber
Sarah Coburn Ridgeway
Needlework Sampler
Groton, MA 1811

sampler Salem, MA - Huber
Mary Southward
Salem, MA sampler dated 1807

Burlington County, NJ sampler by Ann Borton from Stephen and Carol Huber
Antique needlework sampler
Ann Borton dated 1820
Burlington County, NJ

Philadelphia sampler - Huber
Rachel Haas
Mary Zeller's School
Needlework sampler
Philadelphia, PA dated 1808

New Hampshire sampler from Huber
Phebe Fuller
Needlework Sampler
Middletown, NH
Phebe Fuller sampler, 1798

Zeller's school sampler  Philadelphia - Huber
Rachel Boughten
Mary Zeller's School
Antique needlework sampler
Philadelphia, PA dated 1807

Kutztown, PA sampler - Huber
Alinda Fister
Needlework Sampler
Elizabeth Mason's School
Kutztown, PA dated 1843

NH sampler by Bowker from Huber
Melancia Bowker
Antique Needlework Sampler
Fitzwilliam, NH dated 1817

house sampler - Huber
Needlework sampler by
Phebe Ann House
Lancaster County, PA dated 1825
Inscribed: To be good is to be happy.

1749 band sampler from Huber
Ann Fosdick
Needlework Sampler
American or English dated 1749

 Huber - sampler by Hannah Chruchill of Plymouth, MA
Hannah Churchill
Antique needlework sampler
Plymouth, MA dated 1826

 Needlework sampler by Mary Pinckny  Boston from Huber.
Antique needlework sampler
Mary Pinckny
Boston, MA dated 1742


 Huber sampler by Hannah Johnson
Antique needlework sampler
Hannah Johnson
Probably NJ or PA
Sampler dated 1835

Huber - Antique sampler by Elking of Marblehead, MA
Jean (Jane) Elkins
Antique needlework sampler
Marblehead, MA dated 1796

Lydia Richardson antique needlework sampler Salem, MA dated 1799


Needlework Sampler
Jane Hammell
Burlington County, NJ, dated 1829

sampler from Stephen & Carol Huber by Snow
Salem, Massachusetts
c. 1803

Lydia Lippincott antique needlework sampler, Burlington, County, NJ dated 1832



Sampler from Huber by Emily Stevens
Needlework sampler
Emily Ann Stevens
Jordon, Onondaga Co., NY dated 1837

Sampler dated 1714 Lords Payer from Huber
Elizabeth Bandy
Lords Payer Sampler
English dated 1714



 Glastonbury, CT sampler - Huber
Laura Mitchel
Antique needlework sampler
Miss Cornwall's School
Glastonbury, CT dated 1830

Abija Hall
Mary Balch's school
Providence, Rhode Island dated 1785

Nancy Hall
Mary Balch's school
Providence, Rhode Island dated 1788

Sampler by Mary Ann Post, Glastonbury, CT from Huber
Sampler by Mary Ann Post
Miss Cornwall's School
Glastonbury, CT 1827

Huber - Needlework sampler by Girdler of Marblehead, MA
Mary Girdler
Antique needlework sampler
Marblehead, MA c.1803

 Huber - CT sampler - Talcott
Celia Talcott
Wethersfield, Connecticut c.1818
antique needle sampler

Indiana sampler from Huber
Jane Mercer
Antique sampler
Switzerland County Indiana 1840

Baltimore, MD 1831 sampler - Huber
Sarah Kelsall
Antique Needlework Sampler
Baltimore, MD dated 1831

 Newton family sampler - Huber
Susan E. Newton
Newton Family Record Sampler
Roxbury, MA 1835

17th c Band Sampler from Huber
Band Sampler
17th Century
Probably English

band sampler from Huber by Mary Visitelly aged 11
Mary Visitelly
Band Sampler
London, England dated 1746

SUSANNA WEEDON English antique needlework band sampler dated 
1662 from Huber
English antique needlework band sampler dated 1662

 Gatehouse sampler - Huber
The Gatehouse
Antique Needlework Sampler c.1900?

 New England c.1800 sampler - Huber
Abigial Webster
Needlework Sampler
New England c.1800

 Sampler from Stephen & Carol Huber by Jane Milner, Lancaster, County, PA
Jane Milner
Needlework Sampler
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 1830

Miniature Needlework Sampler from Huber
Louisa Hose
Miniature Needlework Sampler
Dated 1840

Miniature sampler by Emily Cooke from Huber
Emily Cooke
Miniature Sampler
American or English dated 1844

Miniature Needlework Sampler from Huber
Bridget Brown
Miniature Needlework Sampler
English dated 1775


American sampler dated 1792 from Huber
Betsey Morton
Antique needlework sampler
Probably Massachusetts dated 1782

Philadelphia, PA sampler from Huber
Barbara Gerz
Pictorial Needlework Sampler
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1810

Newbury, MA Sampler by E. Pickett from huber
Emily Pickett
Needlework Sampler
Newbury, MA dated 1825

Kent England sampler- Huber
Jane Allright
Antique Needlework Sampler
Kent County, England dated 1849

German buttonhole sampler from Huber
Buttonhole Sampler
German circa 1800

Boston house sampler from Stephen and Carol Huber
Hannah Clap
Needlework Sampler
Boston, MA dated 1807

Needlework Map of Europe from Huber

G. Smerdon
Needlework Map of Europe
Probably Southern English dated 1813

Eliza W. Gale
Needlework Sampler
M. Tuft's SchoolCharlestown, MA 1813

 Huber - Sampler from Ralston school, PA
Mary Ralston's School
Easton, PA c.1830

CT sampler by Lewis from Huber
Frances Alvira Lewis
Needlework Sampler
Middletown, CT dated 1828

Westminster, Vermont sampler 1828 from Stephen and Carol Huber
Louisa Wright
Family register sampler, 1828
Westminster, Vermont

Berks County, PA sampler - Huber
Rosanna Spohn
Antique Needlework Sampler
Berks County, PA dated 1848

Rhode Island sampler - Huber
Elizabeth Jones Chace
Providence, Rhode Island dated 1816

Philadelphia sampler by Mary Orr from Huber
Mary Orr
Needlework Sampler
Philadelphia, PA Dated 1806

Boston - Russell - Huber sampler
Sarah Russell
Antique needlework sampler
Boston area dated 1805

Charleston, SC - Huber needlework
Sarah E. Thurston
Charleston, SC c.1843

sampler from Stephen and Carol Huber C. Ward - Erie, NY
Catherine M. Ward
Antique needlework sampler
Erie, New York 1818

Lexington, MA sampler from Huber
Susan Simonds Locke
Antique Sampler
Lexington, MA dated 1845

 1765 American sampler by Jand Wood - from Huber 
Jane Wood
Early American Band Sampler dated 1765

Sampler by Blodget from Huber
Family record sampler by Blodget of New Hampshire

 Bradford, NH antique sampler by Cressy from Huber
Maria M. Cressy
Needlework Sampler
Bradford, New Hampshire c.1826

 Vermont sampler
Antique sampler
Mary Ann Ball
Temple, NH dated 1823

Rhode Island, 1794 Needlework Sampler from Stephen and Carol Huber
Frelov [Freelove] Weeden
Needlework Sampler
Rhode Island, 1794

Mid-Atlantic States needlework sampler - Stephen & Carol Huber
Eleanor Stokley
Needlework Memorial Sampler
Mid-Atlantic States dated 1822

Newport, RI dated 1773 from Stephen and Carol Huber
Rebeca Willbor (Wilbor)
Needlework Sampler
Newport, RI dated 1773

Heath family record sampler from Huber
Lydia A. Heath
Lynn, MA dated 1831

Boston, MA needlework sampler by R Barrett from Stephen and Carol Huber
Rebecca Barrett
Needlework Sampler
Boston Area, MA dated 1795

Scottish Sampler by Agnes Bogle from Stephen and Carol Hube
Agnes Bogle
House Band Sampler
Scottish 1820

Boxer band sampler - Huber
Anonymous "Boxer" Band Sampler
England 17th century

Hopkinton, MA sampler - Huber
Betsy Blanchard
Antique Needlework Sampler
Hopkinton, MA dated 1799

 Berks County Sampler from Huber
Rebecca Spohn
Antique Needlework Sampler
Berks County, PA c.1834

 Pelham NH sampler from Huber
Phebe Hamblet
Needlework Sampler
Pelham, New Hampshire c.1806


Newburyport, MA antique sampler by Hannah Flanders from Huber
Hannah Flanders
Needlework sampler
Newburyport, MA c.1804

New Jersey shore sampler from Huber
Eliza C. McCullow
Family Record Sampler
Tuckerton, New Jersey dated 1838

Sudbury, MA sampler from Huber
Mary H. Brigham
Antique needlework sampler
Sudbury, MA dated 1828

Middletown, CT sampler by Mary Hart - from Stephen & Carol Huber
Mary Hart
Family Regester Needlework Sampler
Middletown, CT dated 1825

Groton, CT sampler by Emily Stark from Stephen & Carol Huber
Emily Stark
Needlework Sampler
Groton, CT dated 1830

1798 Antique sampler by Pickard, Rowley, MA from Huber
Hannah Pickard
Needlework Sampler
Rowley, Essex, MA dated 1798

Portsmouth, NH sampler from Huber
Sarah L. Whidden
Antique sampler
Portsmouth, NH 1828

Deerfield, MA sampler - Huber
Mary Ann Bancroft
Antique needlework sampler
Deerfield MA area c.1825

 English sampler - Huber
Margaret Pearse Ivey
Antique Needlework Sampler
England dated 1845

Eastport, ME Sampler from Huber - Cheeney Family Record
Genealogy Needlework Sampler
Sarah A. Cheeney
Eastport, ME dated 1846

sampler by Mary Bradford, Plymouth, MA from Betty Ring's collection, Huber
Sampler by Mary Bradford, Plymouth, MA from Betty Ring's collection

 Middletown, CT sampler by Mary Hart - from Stephen & Carol Huber
Mary Hart
Family Regester Needlework Sampler
Middletown, CT dated 1825

Anna Olcott sampler from Huber Cynthia Olcott marking sampler from Huber Cynthia Olcott sampler from huber
Sisters Samplers by Anna and Cynthia Olcott
Miss Mary Hart's School at Farmington
Hartford County, CT c.1806 & 1810

Sally Tebbet sampler from Stephen and Carol Huber  Polly Tebbet sampler from Stephen and Carol Huber
Pair of 18th century samplers
Dover, New Hampshire dated 1789 & 1793
By Polly & Sally Tebbets

 1776 House sampler - from Huber
Sarah Read
Needlework House sampler
Possibly English dated 1776

Groton, MA Needlework Sampler dated 1811 from Huber
Sarah Coburn Ridgeway
Needlework Sampler
Groton, MA 1811

 Philadelphia, PA  sampler -Marsh School, dated 1791 - Huber
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania sampler - Ann Marsh's School, dated 1791

Brandywind Deleware - Baylis family -  from Huber
Rebecca Ann Baylis
Needlework Sampler
Brandywine Hundred, DE 1835

Boston- Henderson Family Record Sampler  from Huber
Adelina Henderson
Family record Smpler
Boston, MA dated 1827

Lived nex door--»

Boston - Fillebrown family record sampler from Huber
Fillebrown Family Record
Needlework Sampler
Boston, MA c.1818 -27

«--Lived next door

 Rev. Nott School, Frankland, CT sampler - Huber
Anna Huntington
Needlework Sampler
Rev. Samuel Nott School
Franklin, CT dated 1803

 Canterbury, NH sampler -1795- from Huber
Jemima Morrill
Needlework Sampler
Canterbury, New Hampshire, dated 1795

Philadelphia antique sampler by Mary Florence from Huber
Mary Florence antique needlework sampler, Philadelphia 1826

Boston,MA sampler1757 from Stephen & Carol Huber
Prudence Clark
Adam & Eve sampler
Boston, Massachusetts dated 1757

Salem, MA 1785 sampler from Stephen & Carol Huber
Mary Abbot
Needlework Sampler
Salem, MA 1785

Marblehead, MA sampler from Stephen & Carol Huber
Jane Bird
Needlework Sampler
Marblehead, MA dated 1802

Burlington County, NJ -1827 sampler from Huber
Martha C. Hooton
Needlework Sampler
Burlington County, NJ dated 1827

Burlington County,NJ - 1823 from Carol & Stephen Huber
Sarah Ann Hartman
Needlework Sampler
Burlington County,New Jersey dated 1823

Berwick, York, ME - from Stephen & Carol Huber
Elizabeth (Betsey) Haggens
Needlework Sampler
Berwick, York, ME

L C 1791
Needlework Picture
Probably Philadelphia, PA dated 1791

Salem, MA needlework sampler from Huber
Elizabeth (Betsy) Mansfield
Needlework Sampler
Salem, MA dated 1773

Roxbury, NH needlework sampler - Stephen & Carol Huber
Lois Mason Buckminster
Needlework Sampler
Roxbury, Cheshire, NH c. 1829

!7th century band sampler - Huber
Band Sampler
England 17th century

band sampler dated 1685 - Huber
Margaret Cobb
English band sampler dated 1685

Band sampler dated 1660 from Stephen and Carol Huber
Band Sampler
17th century
English dated 1660

Newport, RI Needlwork Sampler c.1785 from Huber
Sarah Nichols
18th century American Sampler
Newport, RI c.1785

1761 Band Sampler by Mary Tabor - from huber
Mary Tabor
Needlework Band Sampler
Probably American dated 1761

Band sampler by Mary Boles from Huber
Sarah Boles
Early Band Sampler
American or English circa 1700

Groton, MA Needlework Sampler dated 1813 from Huber
Elizabeth Relief Ridgeway
Needlework Sampler
Groton, MA 1813

Plymouth, MA Needlework sampler dated 1766 from Huber
Joanna Perkins
Early Band Sampler
Boston, MA dated 1766

Haverhill, MA sampler by Olivia Hoyt - Huber
Olivia Hoyt
Memorial Sampler
Haverhill, MA dated 1819

Yarn work picture from Huber
Bird and Floral
Yarn Embroidered Picture
American late 19 century

Buss Family Sampler from Huber
Harriet M. Buss
Family Record Sampler
Sterling,Worcester, MA circa 1836

PA sampler from Hubers
Elmira Stephens
Needlework sampler
Pennsylvania dated 1820

Berks County, PA sampler - Huber
Elizabeth Ann Lee
Antique needlework sampler
Berks County, PA dated 1832

Hattiot Lee sampler - Huber
Harriot Lee
Needlework Sampler
English dated 1822

Order Of Free Gardeners Society mid-19th-century

Milford, CT needlework sampler by Gibb from Stephen & Carol Huber
Eunice Gibb
Needlework Sampler
Milford, CT Dated 1798

1726 sampler by Rebekah Perkin from Stephen & Carol Huber
Rebekah Perkin
Needlework Sampler
English dated 1726

Westtown, PA Quaker sampler from Huber
Sarah A Hewes
QuakerWesttown School Sampler
Westtown, PA 1826

Portsmouth, NH sampler from Huber
Mary Cate
Needlework sampler
Portsmouth, NH dated 1818

Scottish sampler by the Lang sisters for sale from Huber
Mary Lang and Jane Lang
Needlework Sampler
Scottish c.1800


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Sampler or Antique Sampler: Usually these terms refer to early needlework accomplishments stitched, or wrought by young students in schools with silk thread on a linen background. They can run the gamut in quality, complexity, and price. The first attempt at making a sampler by a young girl, or far less frequently a young boy, was usually a very simple sampler with only alphabets, numbers, name, date, and sometimes a small amount of decorative stitching. These are commonly referred to as marking samplers. As the students became more capable, the complexity of the sampler usually increased accordingly. At the very top are some masterpieces sporting a wide variety of difficult stitches and subtle color changes intricately and graphically executed to create a needlework sampler that was framed, proudly displayed and cherished. Now those same samplers are highly sought after and cherished by knowledgeable antique needlework collectors.

860) 388-6809 or email: Hubers@AntiqueSamplers.com

We buy and sell antique needlework