Nancy Hall
Mary Balch's school
Providence, Rhode Island dated 1788
This extremely important American sampler was worked by 12 year old Nancy Hall. It graces the cover of Betty
Ring's famous book Let Virtue Be a Guide to Thee.
The oval center depicts the imposing College Edifice of Brown University and the president's house. The top of
the oval is thought to represent James Manning, the president, greeting guests or possibly a stage perfor-mance.
The remainder of the oval depicts four very elegantly dressed people. The oval is sur-rounded with a beautifully
embroidered flowering border and a verse in the top corners and in-scriptions in the bottom corners: Nancy/ Hall's
work - Provi/dence/ August 1788.
Anna Hall (1776-1863), who was called Nancy, was the daughter of Levi Hall and Sally Hunt. She was the younger
sister of Abija Hall who worked the earliest sampler known to survive from Mary Balch's school.
Silk on linen; 16" x 14" sight.
(860) 388-6809
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