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Stephen & Carol Huber: 17th - 19th Century Needlework

Sampler from Huber by Emily Stevens

Emily Ann Stevens
Jordon, Onondaga Co., NY dated 1837

Emily, aged 9, stitched this rare sampler from a rural area in central New York state. Jordon is about 25 miles west of Syracuse. The sampler consists of a center hall house, a large basket of fruit, alphabets, and a charming verse.

Inscribed: Emily Ann Stevens/ Aged. 9. years/ Oct. 10. 1837 - and probably her teachers name, S. Stevenson - and a memorial to her father, John Stevens/ Died Aug. 1833./ Aged 47 years. She also included where she lived: Jordon/ On. Co./ NY.

Although Emily was only 15 years old when she died Sept. 25, 1842 she left us with this sweet and graphic reminder to listen to nature by including an excerpt from a poem by the English poet Caroline Anne Southey (1786–1854).

There is a tongue in ev'ry leaf
A voice in ev'ry rill
(little stream)
A voice that speaketh every where
A tongue that's never still. Nature

Emily is buried in Jordon, Onondaga Co., NY

Silk on linen: 12 1/2" x 15 3/4" sight.


(860) 388-6809


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