Rebeckah Woods
Dunstable, MA dated 1818
Rebeckah at age 11 worked this very challenging sampler with solidly stitched panels on the top, bottom, and sides.
In the center are three alphabets of different stitches and a miniscule alphabet and numerals 1 - 20.
It is inscribed at the top: Rebeckah Woods Worked 1818
She included the verse below.
By close attention carefully inwrought
Fare education paints the pleasing thought
Inserts the curious line on propper ground
Completes the whole and scatters flowers around
Rebeckah was youngest of 3 children born to Caleb Woods Jr. and Abigail ?. She died at an early age of 19.
Silk on linen: 14 ½" x 11 ½". Sight.
(860) 388-6809
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